Happy Holidays to all of our family and friends! We hope that you are all well and thriving! Another year has flown by and are not quite sure where the time has gone.
This year brought us a big surprise and another little blessing into our lives. Damara Rhianne, joined our family and was born December 2nd. We are all adjusting well and enjoying the time we get to spend together. Conlan and Jenna are looking forward to their school break starting this next week. It has been quite a semester for both of us!
This year brought us a big surprise and another little blessing into our lives. Damara Rhianne, joined our family and was born December 2nd. We are all adjusting well and enjoying the time we get to spend together. Conlan and Jenna are looking forward to their school break starting this next week. It has been quite a semester for both of us!
Is as busy as ever! He is working on many projects at once and still able to juggle having a family! His real estate business keeps him on his toes from: rentals, residential/ commercial/ industrial real estate, re-habs, bulk REO's and other projects. We are all hoping he will have a day or two to spare with us at the holiday! He has gotten back into playing the guitar again and is considering joining a soccer team too! Earlier this year Bryan got the chance to coach Con's soccer team too, both daddy and con loved it! Not sure if he will do it again, but with enough coaxing he may be willing.
Has been busy this year. She is still playing the role of Domestic Goddess and juggling many hats at once. The biggest news was finding out she was pregnant with baby #3 earlier this year. It made this last semester very interesting for her (the baby was born during finals crunch time). She is attending the Academy of Art University for Interior Architecture and Design. With this semester almost behind her, she is ready for a long winter's nap (until spring semester starts). After a few weeks of recovery Jenna and Bryan will be gearing up to start training for marathons again. We will be starting out slow with 5k's and 10k's to get our feet wet again, it has been a while! We are ready to get these bodies in shape again.
Is still as sweet as can be and has become a really big help to mom and dad with the new baby. He also got into soccer this year and is revving to start the winter season in January. Turns out he has quite a few athletic bones in that little body of his. He loves sports of any kind, but his favorites are hockey and soccer. Conlan started first grade this year and began the year at a new school too. It was quite a transition for him because they emphasize the academics and keep the kids on their toes with working a grade level ahead in some subjects. He is coming around though and is starting to enjoy it. It helps that he has a fabulous teacher! Con will be turning 7 this next year.
Is our sweet little fairy girl. She will be 2 very soon, needless to say the twos are already here. She is Mommy's buddy during the day and is very helpful. She will help clean and tidy up around the house. She loves to write and color, especially when mommy or brother are working on school projects. She has been learning her colors and her favorite to date is lellow (yellow)! Aisy has also developed her own style this year. She loves shoes, cell phones and keys and is super adorable to watch! We are working on words, but for now she has developed her own language.
She will be 2 weeks old on Thursday and we are all feeling super blessed that she is here before Christmas. So far she likes to sleep, poop and eat! Demi is an absolute sweetie pie and we are so happy that she is here now and part of our family!
Love, The McCoy Family
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