Hello everyone! Hope you all had a nice Easter. Ours was very mellow out here in Arizona. The weather was excellent. We were a little worried on Saturday when the rains hit, but Easter turned out to be perfect. We started our festivities off on Saturday night by going over to Gaga Nanny's and Auntie Bree's house to decorate eggs for the next day. On Easter the Conlan was revving to go. With a healthy breakfast of eggs and easter candy we had our egg hunt around the house. After that we moved into the backyard and had our egg hunt where Gaga, Bree and Caydon joined us. We had so much fun! We then headed over to Gaga's and Bree's for dinner. Veggie lasagne, yummy. It was an experimental recipe for them, but we think it was delicious. Hey guys if you make it again, count the McCoys in!
Aisy gets a head start on eating the eggs!

Cute honey!

Bree & Caydon ready to decorate!

Bryan & Conlan attempting to make the egg black so it will resemble a hockey puck.

Ready, set, go! Let the backyard egg hunt begin!

Conlan's bag was full of goodies. His super competitive side came out once again!

Caydon would crack up everytime Bree would bend over to get an egg and turn him upside down.

Bree & Cay-Cay having a moment.

Aislinn found some eggs too with Grandma. She just wanted to suck on them though.

Aisy all dolled up in her Easter outfit.