Our little army ant
Con with some of his classmates
Con is at the far left (where the kid who stepped in front of the camera's forehead is). This is taken before the shoving began, when the boys were still semi-paying attention!
Lucky stars above you. Sunshine on your way. Many friends to love you. Joy in work and play. Laughter to outweigh each care. In your heart a song. And gladness waiting everywhere all your whole life long! ~ Irish Blessing
We are a bit behind in posting. Here is Demi getting her first taste at rice cereal. She has mixed emotions about it. Personally we wouldn't really enjoy the stuff either, but it is a good starter! She will be starting her first veggies this next week. Demi is ready, we can see it in her face. Whenever we eat she looks longingly at the food and starts to chew. We will post those pictures soon. In the meantime here is a video of our happy girl getting her first taste of rice cereal!