Jenna got to celebrate Mother's Day a few days early. All of the Moms in Conlan's class were invited for a morning of pampering today. We were to bring a hairbrush and make-up. When we got there the kids desks had all kinds of goodies for us and it was super cute. We had muffins and juice (Con decided to serve Mom). After that 2 adorable songs (video below) and then the fun began. We got a hand and back massage. Conlan did Mom's hair and make-up! I brought all of my stuff (cover-up, spakle, blush, eyeshadow, lipstick, sparkles and even mascara and eyeliner) and he went to town. He actually did a great job! Just call me "Princess Sparkles" today, cause I am covered head to toe in them! My cup is full right now and I feel so loved!
A heart for Mom
Con made an adorable little flower pot decorated with little bug thumbprints
Con working on Mom's hair
Getting made over
My sweet little man and Mom
Con singing his Mother's Day song